Thursday 8 November 2012

#Throwback Thursdays

In keeping with the #tbt posts for those that use instagram & other social networking sites, I will begin with a pre-blog 'post' I done when I was 29 weeks pregnant.

Let me know if anyone experiences any of the same . . . or if you have 5 things you adore and don't adore so much about being a pregnant lady.

5 things I adore about being pregnant
  1. Knowing I am currently growing a lil’ bubba and will soon have a beautiful addition to our family 
  2. Antenatal aqua aerobics – YES PLEASE. I go weekly and feel like a mermaid initially until I catch a glimpse of my pink shower gap in the reflection of the windows
  3. Being more in tune with my body – sounds so hippie-ish but so true and so good. Breathing, eating, relaxing are all more enjoyable 
  4. Heightened senses – all apart from eyes – no matter how many carrots I eat I still require glasses and have recently had to have my prescription made stronger L
  5. Growing hair and nails – I mean, what a great benefit

5 things I don’t adore so much about being pregnant

Although I would not want to change anything about my pregnancy I couldn't be happier, there are some aspects that are . . . interesting (for a better choice of word).

  1. Water:Toilet ratio – now we all know water is a pregnant ladies best friend but seriously the continuous dash for the toilet is not fun
  2. Sneezing while pregnant while needing the loo – Ladies do your KEGALS they unlike diamonds are your true best friend!
  3. can no longer see my toes or nunu (lady garden to those not familiar with this term)
  4. Gas – well my goodness me, may be all the extra vitamins & good food in your diet etc but seriously gas is not the most attractive trait of a pregnant lady eh
  5. The stares from people – as I am plus sized I know a lot of people are wondering are you pregnant or is your middle just ummm extra big today
All in all this has been the most magical experience of my life to date. The overwhelming feeling of being a mommy in the making, is so worth the toilet breaks, gas, stares, lack of sleep etc. 

Mel xx 

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